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Dental Health and Pregnancy

Waiting for the birth of a baby is an exciting time for any woman. Your body changes in many ways, including in your mouth. Though picking out names and nursery colors is important, taking proper care of your teeth and gums before, during, and after pregnancy will keep your oral health on track. These tips can help you keep your vibrant smile in top shape.

Before Pregnancy
While you are trying to conceive, schedule an appointment with your dentist. At this visit, the dental team can clean your teeth, examine your mouth, and address any issues before you have a baby on the way. Because x-rays are not recommended during pregnancy, this appointment is a good time to have those taken as well.

During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant make sure to tell your dentist right away. Procedures like cosmetic enhancements and X-rays should be avoided during pregnancy. Checkups are very important when you are pregnant, so don’t skip your visit. As a precaution, you should wait until the second trimester to see your dentist.

While your pregnancy progresses, watch for signs of pregnancy gingivitis, which usually involves tenderness, bleeding, or swollen gums. Talk with your dentist if these symptoms appear. Practicing good oral care and eating right will help minimize any impact on your oral health.

After Pregnancy
When you feel up to it, visit your dentist after delivery for a full evaluation of your oral health. Your dental provider can work out a detailed plan to address any issues from the pregnancy and renew your smile.

Are dental issues holding you back? Take control of your oral health by booking an appointment with our experienced team at our Clintonville dental office.

Avoiding Pregnancy Gingivitis

Pregnancy brings many kinds of excitement and joy to a mother’s life, but gum problems aren’t one of them. Pregnancy gingivitis not only causes gum trouble, it can also lead to higher risks for preterm labor and problems with the newborn baby. If you are pregnant and notice swelling or inflammation of your gums, you might have pregnancy gingivitis. It results from plaque buildup that irritates your gums, and can harbor bacteria that gets into your body. The bacteria can travel to your uterus and affect your pregnancy and unborn child. How can you avoid pregnancy gingivitis?

Oral hygiene

Brush and floss your teeth properly. Try to brush after all meals and snacks, especially those high in sugars or starches. See your dentist for frequent cleanings, aiming for two to three times during your pregnancy. This will remove more plaque from your teeth that you can at home, serving to lower your risk for plaque buildup.


Consult your dentist before, during, and after your pregnancy. You will learn how to best care for your mouth, and what to watch for in case a problem does arise.


Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy will not only benefit your overall health and that of the baby, but will also limit your sugar intake which promotes plaque formation.

Dental care

Try to have dental procedures performed before you become pregnant. Some emergency procedures are safe during pregnancy, but it is best to have treatment done before pregnancy.

Bacteria control

Avoid sharing food and utensils so that you don’t transfer bacteria from person to person. Your goal is to limit the amount of bacteria in your mouth as much as possible.

Xylitol gum

Chewing sugarless gum promotes saliva, which help equalize the acids in your mouth and fight plaque buildup. The ingredient xylitol has been shown to help prevent bacteria from being able to stick on your teeth, therefore fighting tooth decay.

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

Obesity and Your Oral Health

Obesity, defined as an excess proportion of body fat, has reached epidemic levels in the United States. This condition presents health risks to many areas of your body, and takes a toll on just about every aspect of your life. What does obesity have to do with oral health? Recent studies have linked the development of obesity with oral bacteria.

By testing the saliva of overweight people compared to individuals within a healthy weight range, researchers have discovered an oral bacteria present in 98 percent of the obese subjects. Experts believe this bacteria is an indicator of developing an overweight condition. Also, they suspect that the bacteria may participate in the body functions that lead to obesity.

Preventing and controlling obesity usually begins with analyzing and changing your diet. A high glycemic diet, which generally means a diet high in sugars, contributes to weight gain. It is also connected with your dental health, because sugars in your mouth are converted into plaque. If plaque accumulates on your teeth and gums, the risk increases for tooth decay and gum disease.

While it will likely benefit your waistline to reduce the amount of sugar consumed, doing so will reduce your risks for oral disease. Likewise, regular dental checkups, proper oral hygiene including brushing and flossing twice daily, and smart diet modifications will also lower your oral health risks. As experts continue to investigate the connection between your mouth and your overall health, following recommendations for caring for your mouth will likely decrease oral bacteria and possibly limit your risks of other health concerns such as obesity.

Schedule your appointment at our Clintonville dental office

Can Germs Live on my Toothbrush?

Chances are you would be disgusted at the thought of leaving your eating utensils on your bathroom counter exposed to germs, and never washing them but continuing to eat with them. This is essentially what you’re doing if you leave your toothbrush sitting out, and never sanitize or change it. Let’s talk about how to keep your toothbrush from being a germ-infested threat to your health.

Your toothbrush can be contaminated by bacteria, saliva, blood, and food particles with each use. Even after you rinse it with water, your toothbrush may appear clean but germs linger on the bristles. Some of the sources of bacteria on your toothbrush include:

  • Your mouth, which transfers germs to your toothbrush during use.
  • The environment, because bathrooms are often the most contaminated room in your house.
  • The packaging, since toothbrushes aren’t sold in sterile packages they can arrive with germs already on them.

Here are some tips to guard your toothbrush from germs:

  • Before and after you brush your teeth, wash your hands to get rid of germs.
  • Rinse your toothbrush well with water, and then allow it to air dry.
  • Store the toothbrush upright so that water can drain from it while drying.
  • Consider storing your toothbrush in a dry area outside of the bathroom, away from humidity and toilet spray
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or more often if you notice worn bristles.
  • Do not share your toothbrush with anyone.
  • Do not soak your toothbrush in disinfectant or mouthwash, which can lead to cross contamination
  • Do not bother microwaving your toothbrush or running it in the dishwasher, because these tactics may damage your brush.

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Tips about Receding Gums

Receding gums not only look unattractive, they can harm your health. If you notice that your gums are receding, ask your dentist for help so that you can reverse the problem instead of allowing it to worsen. The goal is to catch gum recession early and get it under control before it turns into periodontal disease.

What exactly is gum recession?  It’s the condition in which the outer tissue on a tooth begins to wear away toward the root, leading to exposure of your tooth enamel and eventually your tooth’s root. If untreated, receding gums lead to periodontal disease. The best way to avoid this problem is to prevent it from starting in the first place. This is easily done by performing good oral hygiene techniques. Brush twice a day with a soft toothbrush using a circular motion and mild pressure. Also, floss your teeth every day.

If you see that your gums are starting to recede, it’s likely that practicing better dental hygiene will restore your gum health over time. A deep cleaning by your dentist will help kick-start your hygiene routine at home. In some cases, an even deeper cleaning called root planing may be necessary.

For more advanced cases of gum recession, your dentist may need to take tissue from other areas and use it to cover exposed roots. This can boost your gum tissue and make it healthy again. If you experience pain and increased sensitivity due to exposed roots, your dentist may prescribe medications to help.

The main thing to remember about receding gums is that quick action is important. Good dental care is key in both preventing it and in correcting the problem after it has begun. If you notice that your gums are pulling away from your teeth or experience sensitivity, start the healing process as soon as possible by asking your dentist for treatment advice.

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The Mouth Mirror: Unlocking Secrets of Your Overall Health Through Your Teeth

The Truth about Your Teeth and Health

Your smile is a canvas that reveals more than just your personality. It could also expose some underlying health issues that you might not be aware of. Your dental health deserves as much attention as any other aspect of your overall well-being.

The Importance of Dental Health

Oral hygiene is more than just getting rid of bad breath and yellow teeth. Brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist are essential to prevent cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Neglecting your dental health could lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory problems, and even cancer.

How Teeth Can Reveal Underlying Health Issues

Your teeth are like windows into the state of your overall well-being. Changes in their appearance or sensitivity could indicate underlying health conditions such as acid reflux disease or osteoporosis.

Even a simple cavity could lead to complications in other parts of the body if left untreated. Taking care of your dental health is crucial for a healthy life.

Don’t take your pearly whites for granted! The next sections will dive deeper into what healthy teeth look like and how different dental issues can reveal underlying health concerns.

What healthy teeth look like

Characteristics of healthy teeth

Healthy teeth have a few distinct characteristics. For starters, they are generally white or off-white in color, but not overly bright.

They also don’t have any noticeable chips or cracks, and they fit comfortably in the mouth without causing discomfort or pain. Healthy teeth are also firmly anchored in their sockets and don’t move around when you bite down.

Another key characteristic of healthy teeth is that they are clean and free of plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film that forms on the surface of your teeth when bacteria combine with food particles.

Over time, this can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. That’s why it’s so important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.

Importance of regular dental checkups and cleanings

Even if your teeth look healthy on the outside, there could be hidden issues lurking beneath the surface. That’s why it’s crucial to schedule regular dental checkups with your dentist at least once every six months.

During these appointments, your dentist will examine your mouth for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and other issues that could affect your overall health. They’ll also perform a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar buildup that you may have missed during your daily oral hygiene routine.

Regular dental checkups can help catch problems early before they turn into bigger (and more expensive) issues down the road. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to ask questions about proper oral care techniques or get advice on how to improve your overall dental health.

What discolored teeth indicate

One of the most obvious signs of potential health issues is tooth discoloration. Discoloration can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor dental hygiene, genetics, and lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking heavily pigmented beverages like coffee or tea. However, it’s important to note that some types of discoloration can also be indicative of underlying health issues.

Causes of tooth discoloration

The most common causes of tooth discoloration are external factors such as foods, drinks and smoking, but there are also internal causes that can’t be treated with simple whitening procedures. These internal causes include:

  • Tetracycline use: a type of antibiotic that can cause permanent staining in teeth.
  • Fluorosis: excessive fluoride intake during childhood which results in white spots or streaks on the teeth.
  • Tooth trauma: an injury to a tooth that can result in darkening or graying over time.

Possible underlying health issues

If you notice unusual tooth discoloration that isn’t related to external factors and doesn’t respond to whitening treatments, it’s important to talk to your dentist about the possibility of underlying health issues. In some cases, yellowing or grayish tones could be indicative of liver disease or other systemic conditions. Similarly, white spots on the teeth could indicate celiac disease or other autoimmune disorders.

Your dentist may recommend additional testing if they suspect an underlying condition is causing your tooth discoloration. At the very least they will take x-rays and perform a thorough oral exam to help determine the cause and possible treatment options.

What sensitive teeth mean

Sensitive teeth can be a real pain, quite literally. They can cause discomfort while eating or drinking hot or cold foods, and may even make it difficult to brush your teeth properly. Sensitive teeth occur when the enamel on your tooth is worn down or your gums have receded, exposing the underlying layer of dentin that contains the tooth’s nerves.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by a variety of factors, including: – Brushing too hard – Eating acidic foods

– Gum disease – Teeth grinding

– Tooth decay – Tooth whitening products

Possible underlying health issues

Tooth sensitivity can also be a sign of underlying health issues such as: – Gastrointestinal disorders

– Sinus infections – Vitamin deficiency (particularly vitamin D)

If you experience consistent tooth sensitivity, it’s important to visit your dentist to rule out any potential dental issues and get to the root cause of what’s causing your sensitive teeth. In some cases, treatment may include using desensitizing products like special toothpaste or fluoride treatments.

What crooked or misaligned teeth indicate

Crooked or misaligned teeth can affect one’s confidence and self-esteem, but they can also reveal underlying health issues. When a person’s teeth are not properly aligned, it can cause problems with their bite, speech, and ability to chew food. Crooked teeth can also make it difficult to keep the mouth clean, which increases the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Causes of crooked or misaligned teeth

There are several factors that can contribute to crooked or misaligned teeth. Genetics is a major factor as some people are born with small jaws or crowded teeth that make it difficult for their permanent teeth to come in straight. Thumb-sucking and pacifier use beyond age three may also lead to crooked teeth when the adult teeth come in.

Injuries to the jaw or face may also cause structural damage that leads to unevenly spaced or angled teeth. Poor dental care through lack of brushing and flossing may lead to tooth decay, gum inflammation which could result in shifting of adjacent healthy tooth leading to overlapping and crowding.

Possible underlying health issues

Crooked or misaligned teeth sometimes indicate underlying health issues such as sleep apnea caused by a narrow airway that is commonly seen with malocclusion (poor alignment of upper and lower jaw), digestive disorders like acid reflux which may be due to improper function of oral cavity muscles during chewing  processes leading acid exposure on surface enamel resulting in tooth erosion over time; eating disorders like bulimia nervosa- due frequent vomiting associated with this disorder there is repeated exposure of hydrochloric acid on tooth surface causing enamel erosion leading  chipping off the edges making them jagged; anxiety disorders causing habits like grinding/ clenching of jaws (bruxism) etc. It is important for individuals with misaligned teeth to consult their dental health provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. These underlying health issues, if not addressed, could lead to more serious health problems in the future.

What missing or damaged teeth say about your overall health

Missing or damaged teeth not only cause cosmetic concerns but can also reveal underlying health issues. Losing a tooth can indicate poor dental hygiene, gum disease, or an injury that has caused the tooth to fall out. Similarly, a chipped or broken tooth could be due to trauma, grinding your teeth at night, or decay caused by poor oral hygiene.

Causes of missing or damaged teeth

One of the most common causes of missing teeth in adults is periodontal disease, which is a bacterial infection that damages the gums and bones that support your teeth. Poor dental hygiene can also contribute to tooth loss as it leads to gum disease and cavities that may eventually lead to the need for extractions. Trauma from accidents or sports injuries may also result in missing or damaged teeth.

Possible underlying health issues

Missing or damaged teeth may not only affect your oral health but also have implications for your overall health. For example, if you have lost several teeth due to gum disease, it could put you at higher risk for heart disease as bacteria from the inflamed gums can enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation in other parts of your body.

Similarly, untreated decayed teeth can lead to infections that spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. Missing front teeth may even have an impact on speech and self-confidence.

It’s essential to take care of dental problems as soon as they arise because they might reveal underlying medical problems such as diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, nutritional deficiencies among others. Taking care of our oral health is crucial as it not only helps maintain healthy-looking smiles but can also help detect potential medical conditions early enough for effective treatment

The Importance of Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene for Overall Health

Taking care of your teeth and maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to your overall health. Your teeth can reveal underlying health issues, so it’s important to pay attention to any changes in their appearance or sensitivity. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help prevent serious dental problems and detect any potential issues early on.

Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of health problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, and even heart disease. By properly brushing and flossing your teeth daily, as well as avoiding sugary foods and drinks, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Remember that good oral hygiene also includes regular visits to the dentist for professional cleanings and checkups. If you notice any changes in the appearance or sensitivity of your teeth, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your dentist.

By taking care of your teeth and maintaining good oral hygiene habits, you’ll not only look better but also feel better. So let’s all make a commitment to prioritize our dental health for the sake of our overall health!

Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your appointment today at our Clintonville dental office.

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Clintonville, OH 43214

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