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Dental Health and Pregnancy

Waiting for the birth of a baby is an exciting time for any woman. Your body changes in many ways, including in your mouth. Though picking out names and nursery colors is important, taking proper care of your teeth and gums before, during, and after pregnancy will keep your oral health on track. These tips can help you keep your vibrant smile in top shape.

Before Pregnancy
While you are trying to conceive, schedule an appointment with your dentist. At this visit, the dental team can clean your teeth, examine your mouth, and address any issues before you have a baby on the way. Because x-rays are not recommended during pregnancy, this appointment is a good time to have those taken as well.

During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant make sure to tell your dentist right away. Procedures like cosmetic enhancements and X-rays should be avoided during pregnancy. Checkups are very important when you are pregnant, so don’t skip your visit. As a precaution, you should wait until the second trimester to see your dentist.

While your pregnancy progresses, watch for signs of pregnancy gingivitis, which usually involves tenderness, bleeding, or swollen gums. Talk with your dentist if these symptoms appear. Practicing good oral care and eating right will help minimize any impact on your oral health.

After Pregnancy
When you feel up to it, visit your dentist after delivery for a full evaluation of your oral health. Your dental provider can work out a detailed plan to address any issues from the pregnancy and renew your smile.

Are dental issues holding you back? Take control of your oral health by booking an appointment with our experienced team at our Clintonville dental office.

Convenience and Your Family Dentist

Life isn’t getting any slower, in fact, it seems that it’s always speeding up! This is never truer than it is for families, especially those with two or more children. Parents can feel like the local taxi service, running one child to band and another to piano and yet another to a doctor’s appointment. Finally, there’s a solution to one of the trickier issues: visiting the dentist.

In the past, parents would go to one dentist and the children would go to another. Those same children would later age out of their pediatric dentist and have to form a new relationship with a dentist who doesn’t know them at all! For young people just beginning to take responsibility for their own dental care, this can be the beginning of spotty or not-at-all visits to the dentist for checkups and cleanings. This can be the beginning of poor oral hygiene that leads to scores of adult problems.

A family dentist wants you to skip all that running around and to have your kids avoid the step of finding a new dentist. A family dentist wants to see your entire family, from the youngest baby cutting teeth to the oldest retiree looking at options for aging teeth. This type of relationship is so important. The family dentist will know the patient’s history going years and years back, and can make the best and most informed decisions based on this information.

Your family dentist will also make your family appointments in blocks. Can you imagine having each member of your family – including you – getting your checkups, cleanings and dental care done in the same day, sometimes at the very same time? This is a possibility with the convenience of a trusted family dentist.

If you’re looking to save time and to have the best possible dental care you can get for you and your family, seek out a skilled family dentist today. You won’t regret it!

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Introducing Children to a Family Dentist

Dentists recommend seeing children for the first time when they have begun to cut teeth, by the time they have celebrated a first birthday. A first visit is primarily about allowing a child to get comfortable in the dentist’s chair and about educating you, the parent, on how to care for your child’s baby teeth. Most children who visit at this age will not remember the visit, but it will lay the foundation for positive experiences in the dental chair in the future.

Once children reach the approximate age of 5, they will have their first set of X-rays taken. The family dentist will review them to look for cavities between the teeth and to check proper development of dormant permanent teeth.

As children age, between 6 and 12 years, they will lose their baby teeth and permanent teeth will begin to erupt. At this time, your family dentist may recommend a tooth sealant. This plastic resin bonds to the “flat” chewing surface of a tooth, protecting it from debris and decay in the crevices.

Your family dentist may also give your child an orthodontic evaluation. Most pediatric patients begin orthodontics once all of their permanent teeth have erupted; however, some patients benefit from staged orthodontics and can begin treatment much sooner.

If your child has been seeing a dentist since infancy, introducing the child to the dentist isn’t an issue; your child already knows and trusts your family dentist. If you are bringing your child to the dentist for the first time as a toddler or kindergarten student, you should plan to spend some time talking about what to expect.

Many times, having parents sit in the dental chair and then hold their child on their laps is very comforting to the patient. Your family dentist has experience in dealing with fearful or anxious children and will know what to do in each case. Often, videos or music are employed to relax young patients.

You can trust your family dentist with each member of your family, no matter what the age. Talk to your family dentist today with any questions you may have about your child’s first dental appointment.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

A Touchy Issue: What to Do about Sensitive Teeth

Do you wince when you take a bite of something hot, cold, or sweet? If so, you may be one of the millions of Americans experiencing sensitive teeth. This issue can impact your quality of life, causing you to limit the foods and beverages you enjoy.

Sensitivity in teeth occurs when dentin, the middle layer, is exposed. Usually, your gums cover the dentin, which contain tiny tubules that house the nerve branches leading to the nerve center of the tooth. If the dentin is uncovered, your tooth, or teeth, becomes sensitive.

Several factors can bring about tooth sensitivity, including:

  • A worn out filling
  • Cavities that need treatment
  • Grinding your teeth
  • Improper brushing that can wear down the enamel
  • Poor oral home care, which allows tartar build up
  • Receding gums
  • Whitening your teeth

Sometimes, people experience pulpal sensitivity, which generally affects a single tooth and occurs because of damage to the pulp, or nerve center. Because the symptoms can be similar to general tooth sensitivity, your dentist will need to examine your teeth and possibly get an X-ray to determine if you have any decay.

For general sensitivity, you can take several steps at home, including gently brushing teeth, using a soft brush, selecting fluoride toothpaste, and getting treatment for teeth grinding. Your dentist may also recommend toothpaste specifically designed to lessen sensitivity in teeth. Treatment for pulpal sensitivity usually involves removal of decay and/or root canal therapy.

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment today at our Clintonville dental office.

Dental Veneers can Produce Extraordinary Results

If you look in the mirror and wish you had a more attractive smile, porcelain veneers may provide the answer you are looking for to update your image. Made from fine dental porcelain, veneers can cover imperfections and transform your appearance. With veneers, you can cover stains, close gaps, and produce uniformity. Depending on your case, you may choose from custom veneers or minimal preparation options.

Before beginning any treatment, schedule a consultation with a skilled cosmetic dentist. At this visit, explain your desires in detail to your doctor. Some people even bring examples of smiles that they like. Your dentist will combine this information with a complete examination to develop a customized plan for your new smile.

Traditional Veneers
Handcrafted to fit your specific smile, traditional porcelain veneers can be created to complement your facial features, neighboring teeth, and personality. For traditional veneers, your doctor will prepare the teeth by removing a thin layer of enamel and then take impressions of your teeth. Your dentist will send this information to a trained ceramist, who will generate your restorations. While you wait, some dentist will place temporary veneers, giving you a chance to try out your new look. Once the permanent veneers arrive from the lab, you will return for final placement.

Minimal-Prep Veneers
Marketed through brands like Durathin or Lumineers, minimal-prep veneers are ultra-thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to your front teeth. With minimal-prep options, little enamel removal is necessary and usually local anesthetic is unnecessary. Reversing minimal prep veneers is also possible if you change your mind at a later time. Because they can look unnatural or bulky in certain cases, not all individuals make good candidates for minimal-prep veneers.

Do not let another day go by without taking care of your dental needs. Request an appointment now at our Clintonville dental office!

Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

It can be difficult to avoid the signs of aging and lifestyle on your teeth. They can become stained or yellowed over the years, but they don’t have to remain that way. You might choose to have your smile professionally brightened at your dentist’s office, but you’ll want to maintain those pearly whites. Here are some tips you can follow at home to keep your smile bright and beautiful.

Eat crunchy foods.
Crunchy foods are often acidic, which means they naturally help clean your teeth. Examples include apples, pears, celery, and carrots. Crunchy foods are also more abrasive, so the cleaner your teeth will become as they are naturally scrubbed during chewing. The cleaning benefit comes with the crunch, so eat them in their whole form instead of cutting or crushing them up.

Consume dairy products.
Foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt contain minerals such as phosphorus and calcium. These mineral help strengthen your teeth and make them whiter. Your smile will be more appealing and healthier when you include dairy in your diet.

Don’t forget strawberries.
The malic acid in strawberries helps reduce tooth discolorations, and the rough texture of the fruit buffs your tooth enamel. This creates a smoother and brighter look. In addition to eating strawberries, you can also crush them to mix with a half teaspoon of baking soda and a bit of lemon juice. Apply this mixture onto your teeth for five minutes to improve their appearance.

Try baking soda.
As mentioned above, baking soda can help clean teeth if used in moderation. Rub a pinch of baking soda onto your teeth and then rinse it away, or mix it with hydrogen peroxide and salt to naturally brighten your smile.

Use a straw.
If you can’t eliminate dark beverages like wine or colas from your diet, drink them from a straw so that the liquid goes straight into your mouth instead of over your teeth.

Get an electric toothbrush.
Stubborn stains on tooth surfaces are often more responsive to cleaning with an electric toothbrush instead of a manual one.

Do you live in Clintonville or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

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Clintonville, OH 43214

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